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Easy fish and potatoes.

Discussion in 'Share Your Fish Cooking Recipes.' started by Cam, Mar 29, 2020.

  1. Cam

    Cam Well-Known Member

    Sep 18, 2015
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    One of my staples, easy to do with any non oily fish.

    lay two fillets on a piece of aluminum foil. Add two slices of tomato. Put two pats of butter on the fish. I season with lemon pepper, seasoning salt, garlic salt and basil. Seal up tinfoil, fold ends up to keep juices in.


    I prefer baby potatoes. Sweeter and cook faster. Slice up an onion. Slice baby potatoes in half. I add sugar, a few tablespoons. Add whatever cooking oil you gave, enough to coat everything, but don’t drown it. Add seasoning salt, garlic salt, and a bit of saffron. Mix everything in a bowl to coat. Put a scoop on a piece of foil. Seal up, fold up ends again.
    Turn your barbecue on to med low. Put potato packets on. Won’t take more than 8-10 minutes to cook. Once almost done, move to top rack away from heat. Turn bbq to low, put on fish. Should take 5-8 minutes. Easy.
