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Our Forum is Growing to Fast...

Discussion in 'Canadian Fishing Forum News' started by Ernie, Jan 12, 2016.

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  1. lakerunner

    lakerunner Member

    Sep 18, 2015
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    I also do more lurking than posting, however if I have something useful to add to a thread I will.
  2. A_Manitoba_Angler

    A_Manitoba_Angler Active Member

    Sep 25, 2015
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    Just how would a quality member be judged, exactly?

    I joined sept 25 posted 88 messages so far and received 87 likes. So does that make me a "popular" poster (basically one like per post, so at least one other member agrees with what I say) or a lurker because my post count pales in comparison to the "known-member" guys?
    Btw, there's a great example of a clic right there.
    Finns McGruff likes this.
  3. Andrew

    Andrew Well-Known Member

    Sep 26, 2015
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    La Salle
    I don't think automated forum titles constitute a clique. There's no fraternal order of "known members" anymore than "members" or "super members" or whatever. I think posting more than never would be a good step for someone to not be considered a lurker. Purging the zero post accounts periodically could be a safe first step re: member count.
    Patty, craigm, Lockport1850 and 2 others like this.
  4. lake-fisher

    lake-fisher Well-Known Member

    Sep 30, 2015
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    Before joining, I didnt know any of the members. None of my buddies are on the forums. I found it by reading about fishing. I have since met quite a few members, including Ernie. Some people join just to read about fishing in general start out as lurkers and eventually post. As long as they dont get burned in a post, the will likely continue to post. I think the guys no one wants on here are the spam posters who cant put a sentence together, act like a jerks, comment pointlessly on every post, burp in chat boxes, etc... Ernie, when you see a poster behave like this, feel free to just delete them. Its seems pretty easy to distinguish who's who.
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2016
    A_Manitoba_Angler and Kenmore63 like this.
  5. Finns McGruff

    Finns McGruff Well-Known Member

    Sep 26, 2015
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    I'm easy to get along with , Its yours and so far its been handled very well .
    I only post now and again . But a lot has to to with my typing skills I'm brutally slow.
    As far as pre qualifying members how would you verify who the new guys are and what are the standards.
    I personally wouldn't give my info to a Internet fishing forum No disrespect to you .But its just not that important to me.
    My view is if some acts like a A-Hole. Then Ban them no explanation necessary.
    Dumpy likes this.
  6. Allan C

    Allan C Member

    Sep 19, 2015
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    I have been on many different forums since the home computer was invented. I used to be very active, posting everything. Over time I found every forum eventually turns into the same thing, then a person just gets turned off on posting anything. I still enjoy reading though. Good on you Ernie to try early on with trying to stop that.
    Really I don't know what to say here. The only thing about tightening the forum up it looks like its exclusive, old boys club type thing. People have posted how they are new to fishing and have used the info here to get them into the game. The info would have been impossible for them to obtain under a closed type forum.
    On the other hand you have garbage like FACEBOOK. Sheesshhh, Ryan had to freeze the site to clear things up. Ridiculous!! Thats what an open forum looks like.
    Its your site Ernie and reading though the posts I would think your more confused now than before on what to do. :smile:
    For myself I don't post much anywhere anymore, just too much bullshit. If I do have some interesting info that pertains to the subject and feel my opinion might help someone then I contribute. Otherwise I stay quite, out of trouble. Well, I still get into trouble when I go fishing. (-39 windchill standing 6' away from the snowmobile with the started rope dangling in my hand) :tearsofjoy::tearsofjoy:
    Patty and craigm like this.
  7. craigm

    craigm Well-Known Member

    Nov 13, 2015
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    I have thought pretty hard about this, read everyone's opinions in the thread.... @beastman's post clarified what I needed to post. It is long. My opinion is in the first paragraph, the rest is just background.

    I agree with what @Backroad Benny has been saying for a while, that this forum would be best served by staying relatively small. But I have changed my mind on how to achieve that since I posted early on in this thread.....allowing new members and evaluating their early performance prior to giving the full access or the boot is intriguing, use IP tracking to prevent guys from re-registering, that sort of thing; hopefully there is some way to automate that process (via anonymous evaluations by members in good standing or something??). But Ernie, I suspect you would get a bunch of emails and general hate from guys that are pissed off after being booted. The second best, and maybe easier to implement option to keep the focus and feel of the forum as is would be to make it invite only. Some excellent people who would probably love to find out about CFF and might not have that opportunity as a result, and we wouldn't have the chance to benefit from what they might bring to the table....but ignorance is bliss (on both sides), right?

    Why not encourage membership growth? I am very happy with CFF as is. I only know maybe 6 guys who post here (like face to face know), but I am pretty sure that I would get along well with many others based on what they are posting....I have followed MFF for a while; because it has so many members, occasionally a question relating to my day job (fisheries biology consulting) pops up that I feel I need to address from a professional standpoint (tag return reports of Lake Sturgeon or something). Also, given our (@robm and myself) recent AEM business venture, we started thinking about ways to promote and as a result we sort of wanted to have a finger on the pulse there. Through the grapevine we heard that people were talking on CFF about AEM. So, full disclosure, the initial reason we joined this forum related to promotion of our products and an avenue to provide support to those who have bought our maps. However, we quickly realized that membership frequenting this forum makes it quite different from MFF. In a good way. As a result, I have probably logged on to this forum more in the past 2 months than I have to the other fishing forums combined in the past 4 years! The type of posts and discussions here will undoubtedly help me become a better angler, and I am enjoying contributing (not just about AEM). I have been around fishing forums for a long time....I want to say since ~2000....and the Walleye Warrior days. I used to go by "Ashnogrimbatul" ....terrible spelling of a phrase from Lord of the Rings, my favorite books.

    My memory is a little foggy on why WW went the way of the buffalo, but it probably had to do with the admin being taken before his time, and the moderator coup that followed. Those were were the early days of fishing forums, when people (myself included), really didn't understand the power of the internet as a spot killer. Lots of guys got burned before the core community (who actually cared about more than where lake "x" was) started making everyone that cared to listen aware of what could happen as the result of a single post. TFL kinda rose from the ashes of WW, and for a decent while it was very much like this board. As @beastman mentioned, TFL was a fairly small tight-knit community; experienced core members dating back to WW days and periodic new blood and occasional contributors. Topics focused on gear, techniques...and celebrating each others birthdays ;). Some people didn't care for it....it was kinda cliquey (although I think we were actually very willing to welcome like-minded anglers into the group). There were always a few shit disturbers that needed to be dealt with. There were lurkers, but because the focus was never on sharing secret spots, and because there was another local forum at the time (Manitoba Anglers) that drew them, it was sustainable. TFL slowly fell apart after the original admin stepped down for personal reasons; maybe it was too cliquey? The other mods (myself included at that time) tried to carry-on with the site....we talked about going other directions, but the plans just fizzled. Even we kinda just stopped posting. Didn't help that all involved (original admin included) were shitty with the forum technology. The other primary site during TFL's prime was Manitoba Anglers, which was way nicer to look at and navigate. Personally, I was tired of the grind....the forum kinda consumed my life for a time. I needed a break. I didn't want to care about some troll stirring the pot (which actually didn't happen very often on TFL....but it happened enough to stress me out). TFL still exists, but I don't think there has been a post since 2014.

    With the other primary local forums, I feel the focus has always been about making money off them.....so a massive membership is needed to generate as much advertising $$ as possible. Others closer to Manitoba Anglers would probably know better than me, but I think the guy behind the site was trying to make money off it (and I'm not saying that is a bad thing, just different than here). Then the sociopath originally behind the MFF site (who was obviously trying to make a quick buck, via whatever means necessary) hacked Manitoba Anglers and basically destroyed it (that is what I concluded anyway). We were pretty sure that he also tried to hack TFL a few times. Anyway, the masses quickly migrated from MA to MFF. There was a lot of talk about the fella's character from the get-go, but it took, what, 3-4 years??? for people to realize he was legit bad news. Then, all of the sudden, things are falling apart and he is deported to the US after defrauding a local charity (keeping proceeds from a fishing event no less). Turns out he wasn't even who he claimed to be, and was wanted in the US for other crimes. The MFF site was sold to someone new and what I heard was the proceeds were given to pay back the charity that was defrauded. That site is definitely still run so as to generate income for its owners. The whole "Ty Chartrand" thing rubbed me the wrong way, and I was shocked that more people didn't abandon MFF outright on principle. But I guess I didn't either....I still check it occasionally (primarily lurking) for the reasons described above. Facebook and its various open and closed groups are obviously out there now too.

    That is my basic recollection of historical forum events for boards dedicated to Manitoba. Maybe not 100% accurate, but probably close enough. Why bother recount all the local forum history? Maybe there is something to be learned from it. If making money off CFF isn't the objective, then there is no need for a huge membership and all the lurkering white pailers, newb "lake X" question posters (and the semi-newbs who respond and spill the beans!) that will come with it....for some seasoned guys, even seeing those types of posts is enough to turn them off the site (and therefore the quantity of good content goes down). So if MFF is in decline (as it seems to be).....additional spill-over here may be imminent.

    To reiterate my thoughts re: CFF membership size...small is good. TFL was relatively small, and was driven by a core-group of posters, and others more on the periphery that contributed here and there. Quality over quantity. Unfortunately, TFL died despite what I would consider similarities to CFF. However, CFF has a few advantages: a creator/admin (@Ernie) who is a professional on the technical side of things, and a current membership that seems to possess a good combination of experience, and inexperience (both in fishing and in fishing forums). Both are important....even experienced people benefit from when relative newbs ask questions, because often that is what gets discussions going....they just can't be the type of questions that turn off the core ("Lake x", where can I catch 16" Crappie, 14" Perch and 33" Walleye all in one day type posts). I am not in favor of a hard cap on the number of members.....just a means that will limit the rate of growth. Either some way for the community to evaluate new members (or maybe all members in general!) anonymously to ditch the real turds, or failing that, invite only (with who vouched for you? questions and confirmations required to be completed by the vouching member prior to new guy being accepted). Ernie, I think you are very smart to be proactive about this.
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2016
    Dave, Mike B., beastman and 12 others like this.
  8. Cam

    Cam Well-Known Member

    Sep 18, 2015
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    Wow. Post of the day. Hats off to you sir. I'll just say.... I backed Ernie when he tried to fix things at mff. The backstabbers got him. I'll support him whichever way he goes. I'll be right beside him, offering any help I can. I refuse to let this forum, which is off to a flying start, go the way of mff. I just refuse to let it.
  9. A_Manitoba_Angler

    A_Manitoba_Angler Active Member

    Sep 25, 2015
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    I understand everything that was posted @craigm. How do you expect a new angler, or even perhaps an angler who concentrated 99% of fishing time on 4 lakes for 15 years, but has tired of the increased pressure and reduced quality of fishing, either measured in catch or peacefulness but regardless wants to branch out. This guy starts looking at maps and realized "hey, there's a few lakes I've never been to in this area. Nobody talks about them on my forum. I have no idea if I can even get in there or whatever". So he asks on this forum.
    That makes him a "bad member"? Because God forbid that lake gets named and someone new might have a good day? I understand not revealing the 16 inch perch 36 inch walleye all day same lake info, but what's wrong with a PM with the launch location and a good luck ;) keep it off the forum bud!
    That simple message would make me plan my next trip to a new lake. Is that a bad thing? Should be what a small, tight knit community would do, I think.
    Dumpy and clawj like this.
  10. Hassett

    Hassett Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2015
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    Ernie, loved the layout since I've joined. This is your site, we all joined. I think you should have final say on whatever happens here. Im not one to post too much. I don't feel like I need to weigh in on every topic out there, unless I can honestly contribute. My post count is not an ego boost. I wish I spent as much time on the water as I do reading about it here.
    PeteK likes this.
  11. canadian.ice

    canadian.ice Well-Known Member

    Jan 2, 2016
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    Lots of opinions over a fishing forum. I do enjoy all types of forums. The stories and reading. It's a form of entertainment for me. Forums like fishing have come full circle.

    I would consider myself an experienced angler. Over 45 years experience on the water. In my early 20's to early 30's I could not get enough. Had to have the latest and greatest tackle and electronics. Would literally watch the sunrise tables to know what time to set my alarm for so I could be at the lake before 1st light and would fish till dark. Every weekend I'd be fishing or hunting. Did the tournament thing for a bit till kids came along. That changed everything. Instead of fishing for me, it became a family affair making sure a day on the water was eventful for them. I became more relaxed, right to the point of now it's not about the numbers or size of fish I catch. It's just great being out on the water. I enjoy my week days fishing away from the weekend anglers. Every day is enjoyable.

    Forums were the greatest thing when I first found them. What could be better?Like minded people sharing stories of a sport they were so passionate about. Boy was I wrong. Boat launch talk reached out to hundreds and thousands of people. Your quiet lake was no longer quiet. Anglers calling one another out over fish size, handling,launch etiquette etc. I now mostly sit back a read and watch the development of these forums.

    It's goes in a stage. Young fresh wide eyed anglers join. They ask lots of questions like we all did when we started out. They share their experiences as they are so excited to do so. Then the name calling starts and they fade away. Tail between their legs.

    One forum after another comes and goes. Soon it's just a old tag on google with the last post being 5 years old.

    Maybe creating a site where it's an invite only will keep away some of the riff raff, but will it just be an ol' boys and girls club? I don't know if that will keep things fresh enough. Hopefully it all works out.

    It's funny that forum member sizes reach into the thousands, but after a while you just see the same hundred people participating. Maybe what needs to be done, is once a year you clean house. If there has been no activity from a member for a year, dump them. If they are rude and all their posts are of calling people out, dump them. Maybe part of the forum rules could be if your posts ask for fishing locations or coordinates, your post will be deleted.

    I come to these forums at this time of year cause it's cold and dark. The rest of the year I'm too busy to be bothered. If it's a post and participation requirement, I guess I'll be banned.

    I don't know what the right answer will be, I wish you luck. I enjoy this sight so far for the short time I've been here. Good luck with the development.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Steve likes this.
  12. Grim

    Grim Well-Known Member

    Sep 30, 2015
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    Great points from many folks. I say do what you feel is best for the forum. Inactive accounts and lurkers could be purged periodically. Or automated inquisitive PMs from admin.
  13. BigDVO

    BigDVO Member

    Nov 10, 2015
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    Thompson Manitoba
    I am up here in Thompson and am enjoying this forum. I may not contribute a whole lot but definitely do my best at adding in wherever I can. Seemed the other forum was more concerned about who could predict the Jets score correctly then chatting about fishing. I am looking forward to traveling south to a few CWT tournaments this year and will do my best to report on the outcome and my experience. Great job on the forum. Not sure what the correct answer is to keep it small and fishing related. Perhaps the invite only is the best way of doing that. I am in some invite only FB fishing pages and they seem to be right on topic. Best of Luck Pal.
    gillflare and PeteK like this.
  14. chrism

    chrism Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2015
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    Nothing wromg with that imho! My guess is a lot of us that have been fishing before internet times simply went to these lakes to find out on our own!
    No doubt times have changed tho, we all have to deal with it!
    Nice post Craig. Cant add much more.
    I dont agree with an old boys club, as how then would knowledge be passed on, or how would mentoring take place?
    I do like the idea of some sort of regulation tho to keep the fuktards away - how, i dont know...maybe simple yet strong policing??? I do strongly believe that any shit disturbers should be nixed immediately, as they are the death of all the forums i have been involved with. Mature conduct regardless of age should be the foundation.
    Correct me if i am wrong, but we seem to all agree that this forum is for sharing ideas and experiences so we can all either learn or have a good laugh???
    Anyhow, i also believe every concievable idea has been said. I vote we set a timeframe to end this topic soon and get back to what brought us all here - fishing!
    Im in my new Otter tent out by the channel as we speak and life is good! -25 outside and +25 inside!
  15. Grim

    Grim Well-Known Member

    Sep 30, 2015
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  16. lake-fisher

    lake-fisher Well-Known Member

    Sep 30, 2015
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  17. glennie_rapala

    glennie_rapala Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2015
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    Under your bed
    When I've seen sensitive lakes posted on MFF prior, I sent the poster a PM asking they not post commentary as the lakes in question can't handle the fishing pressure. I found the good neighbour approach was always well received. I think it works better than caterwauling about "why are you posting that lake" in a thread. I think a lot of the bitching posts do more to advertise sensitive lakes than the original post ever did.

    Going forward, I hope similar situations on this forum get handled the same way.
  18. craigm

    craigm Well-Known Member

    Nov 13, 2015
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    I don't think a legitimate rookie question like that makes someone a bad member. I wouldn't want the person who asked that question gone, at least not the first time they did it (I hope that isn't how my last post is interpreted!). If they did it 20 times in a row, despite members having gently coaxed them into other alternative means of figuring shit out for themselves and guiding them on the fishing forum etiquette.....I would be voting to give them the boot.
    Patty, A_Manitoba_Angler and PeteK like this.
  19. RedDragon

    RedDragon Member

    Dec 27, 2015
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    I have only been on this forum for a short time and have already noticed the quality of discussion to be above and beyond any other forums or sites I've ever been a part of. Keeping the Internet Cowboys off this site would in theory be a good thing I suppose but to determine who belongs here and who doesn't sounds like it could be a lot of work. I myself have not posted very much since joining but I will post if I feel I have something worth while to contribute. Many other sites I find are full of meaningless bullshit that really in no way contribute anything to our sport and just create a breeding ground for keyboard cowboys. Anyhow, you guys have put together something great here and I really appreciate it. I hope going forward the quality of this site only continues to get better.
    Cheers everyone,
    Cam, craigm and PeteK like this.
  20. walleye33

    walleye33 Member

    Sep 28, 2015
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    I love to fish, read all the posts on this site, and listen to the members opinions and learn new techniques and new ways to understand the habits of fish. This site has the most level headed members out there. Kudos for creating a world class site that is easy to navigate. I dont get out fishing as often as I would like due to fact that I have had very bad luck in the employment department and even a short trip to selkirk is sometimes out of my financial range.for that reason I dont have alot of reports to put out there. I do have alot of experiences to contribute to fellow members. If as owner of this site you deem it necessary to limit members it is well within your right to do so. I have and will continue to try to contribute
    rayzer and PeteK like this.
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