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Our Forum is Growing to Fast...

Discussion in 'Canadian Fishing Forum News' started by Ernie, Jan 12, 2016.

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  1. lake-fisher

    lake-fisher Well-Known Member

    Sep 30, 2015
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    It may be beneficial to make it mandatory for members to introduce themselves and state why they joined.
  2. Pungie

    Pungie New Member

    Sep 26, 2015
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    I'm in the same boat as McGruff I enjoy your site Ernie and think you have done a great job, will contribute when I have something worth contributing. Keep up the good work.
    Ernie likes this.
  3. DMC

    DMC New Member

    Jan 16, 2016
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    I am new to this forum; I found it snooping around for additional information on techniques to use in Canada. I am from the Minneapolis area, and have spent my life fishing Minnesota and Wisconsin waters. I have also taken multiple trips to various Ontario lakes for a week or more at a time, and I am taking a group of childhood friends to the Ignace area this coming summer for a week of fishing.

    I appreciate the apparent level of discourse, and I see this as a helpful and wise group of individuals with whom to interact; I therefore suppose I am in favor of allowing people like me, unfamiliar with the ins and outs of fishing Canadian Shield lakes (beyond the basics according to species and time of year) to join your forum. I have no problem contributing my experiences, though honestly, I likely have relatively few experiences that would be beneficial to those of you able to fish Canada whenever you want.

    SO, I suppose, thank you in advance if you allow me to tag along, or thank you anyway for your consideration if not.

    ALSO, I was about to salt my own bags of fatheads to take across the border, but was going to ask if anyone has had success using packaged preserved minnows like that ones from NAS or Magic. I would rather not roll the dice with live minnows toward the end of June regarding water temperature, and I have seen on multiple forums stating that Berkley Gulp Alive baits don't work all that well in NW Ontario... any opinions would be appreciated.

    ribbie and Ernie like this.
  4. Cam

    Cam Well-Known Member

    Sep 18, 2015
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    Welcome. Please don't misinterpret what this discussion is about. It's not about excluding people... Only googans. Those that ask for GPS coordinates, what lure, bait, depth, what color underwear your wearing, and if you had a bowel movement today. That's what we are talking about. There's nothing wrong with asking for info. We are here to help.
    walleye33, Miss Tesla and Ernie like this.
  5. Andrew

    Andrew Well-Known Member

    Sep 26, 2015
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    La Salle
    The funny thing is that for some people who have easy access to the species you're targeting up here, catching the species you've got down there is extra interesting. Looking forward to hearing about some bull bluegills and slab crappie!
  6. Ernie

    Ernie Administrator Staff Member

    Sep 4, 2015
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    Ok members, this has been a very enlightening and upbeat thread. I am very glad I posted this. And I will say this... The response has been beyond my expectations.

    I had a goal in mind to try and get 50-60 percent of members to respond. As it stands right now, just shy of 75% of the members on here have either commented in this thread, or contacted me via PM, email, contact form, text, and yes one phone call. That is an amazing feedback percentage no matter how you look at it!

    Thank you everybody that took the time post. You guys truly are the best! I will now start answering and responding to some of you comments.
  7. Fish Camp 24-7

    Fish Camp 24-7 Active Member

    Oct 28, 2015
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    I looked at the discussion as non contributers getting the boot.
    clawj likes this.
  8. clawj

    clawj Well-Known Member

    Sep 18, 2015
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    All these non contributing silent members could also be the ones that come on sites like this and see news about AYA or KFFC or WAAM or all sorts of other charitable events and organizations who ultimately benefit as do their charities . Hell even the pro am love affair is helped by all these members seeing posts about them thus helping local businesses. And don't forget everyone started somewhere and we all had help getting to be better anglers , as much as everyone says they are fishing geniuses and found every lake and spot and tackle and technique by their never ending hard work. It's the internet age, it's reality, there's more than just this forum affected by its membership.....people may read but not post but what they read may mean they learn about proper fish handling, catch and release, fundraising derbies to help kids, what equipment to buy. Maybe it takes them years to accumulate the knowledge and equipment ( not everyone can fish every second day and buy endless gear) but maybe then they start contributing more. Its so ridiculous to suggest referrals, applications, stating reasons and intent to join, etc. Maybe they read about AYA and they support the derby? Its a fishing forum, not some life altering club or society. Its been comical reading all these long winded responses.
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2016
    AWall, Dumpy, Black Rhino and 3 others like this.
  9. Ernie

    Ernie Administrator Staff Member

    Sep 4, 2015
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    Thanks for having the "guts" to open the floor @I catch fish... Here's the thing.. We're not out to "sell" this forum. That's the easy part. With my advertising experience, for less than the price of 5 cups of coffee I could crash the server within 30 minutes from members rushing to sign up. But those would not be our target audience that want here. Also, you might be surprised how few members on know each other, other than from online interactions.

    @Parklandwalleye. Thank you for the idea in your first sentence. It's on my whiteboard. ;)

    @Zdiamonds. I really don't think I/we need to hold members accountable for an invite gone wrong... We're grownups here, so an invite would be just that.. An invite. I believe most of us are level headed enough not to invite googans.

    @RonB. Awesome post! Thank You! Yes, I consider this forum OUR forum. If I start implementing BS rules without member consultation... Then I believe it is no longer OUR forum. Then it would be more aptly named MY forum. As far as backlash from certain unqualified individuals... I wouldn't worry about that. Terms are terms. If one meets the qualifications... Thou mayest enter... ;)

    @Thane. Darn rights you're qualified to answer! You get it! You're a member. ALL members were invited to state their opinions. You did a fine job!

    @GreenbacksOnIce. Here's the thing... I was also told I wouldn't come to first base starting another fishing forum. After all, There's lots of out there already, why would this one be special? Well... It's here. It's of to a good start. And the membership is growing with ZERO advertising.

    As for not getting the 4 'Pros' I listed of the top of my head to post... Don't bet against it. If we can lay a solid foundation on this forum... They WILL come. Bees AND flies are both attracted to honey. Yes, the forum isn't ready for us to go out and try to draw those guys in here yet. But this is a lot what this thread was about. Laying a solid foundation. Being proactive rather than reactive.

    More responses to follow....
    Parklandwalleye likes this.
  10. Ernie

    Ernie Administrator Staff Member

    Sep 4, 2015
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    Most of what you said @clawj is food for thought. Thanks for posting that. Differing opinions are what make up a forum like this. It's what makes it interesting. But... I wish you wouldn't have included the last couple of sentences. They take away from the first part of your comment.
  11. Ernie

    Ernie Administrator Staff Member

    Sep 4, 2015
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    Let me ask you this. What do you feel should be the objective of this forum?
  12. Ernie

    Ernie Administrator Staff Member

    Sep 4, 2015
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    Anybody can reach me anytime by the 'Contact Us' link at the bottom of every page on this forum. Members do not need to be logged in to email me through to the 'Contact Us' form.
    PeteK likes this.
  13. Ernie

    Ernie Administrator Staff Member

    Sep 4, 2015
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    You are a far cry from the type of member I am trying to "avoid" on here @Splash. You say so yourself "I am an avid and enthusiastic fisherman", you don't post garbage, and you show respect. That right there (among other things) is qualification to fit in here.
  14. Ernie

    Ernie Administrator Staff Member

    Sep 4, 2015
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    Very true. At least at this point in time...

    x100! Everybody has something to offer. And you know what ? It is only fair. Look at it this way... There are some members on here that share some major tips on fishing techniques. You can pay back by posting a mod you did of some sort. Even as minor as where you found a deal on some fishing line. Whatever. You get the point. Everybody has something to offer. That's what keeps the forum on a more even balance. Nobody will jump on you for posting something different. And if they do... There's always the good ol' :nutkick:
    Andrew, PeteK and Inmate like this.
  15. Ernie

    Ernie Administrator Staff Member

    Sep 4, 2015
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    As for using real names as our username on here... I wouldn't touch that one. I really like it if members use a real name. But I can understand that some members are hesitant about that.
    On the business forums I admin, a lot of fairly advanced guys still use a username that's not their real name. But, let me tell you this... The more 'advanced' and 'serious' you become in a niche, the more likely you will be to use your real name as a username on a forum. It's a fact that a member using his real name on a business forum is the real deal. Members want to do business with them much more readily than with users that use anonymity.
    PeteK likes this.
  16. Ernie

    Ernie Administrator Staff Member

    Sep 4, 2015
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    Well Mike, I will do the best I can to the best of my abilities. You're not the first one to say that. And you're right, that is a big reason I posted the question. Both that, and I wanted to take the pulse of the current membership here. The members have spoken. I know what needs to be done...
    Mike B. and Willie 5227 like this.
  17. Green

    Green Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2015
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    Here's an idea , as I don't think there is way to change your username, how about the option to add your real name under your username. Where it says "well-known member" or "lurker" it could read for example.

    "Bobby B- well known member"

    This could be a good option, as people first signing up don't want to use there name but as they get comfortable they can add it.
  18. Mike B.

    Mike B. Well-Known Member

    Oct 13, 2015
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    Ashnogrimbatul!! I was trying to remember your old username. Love Lord of the Rings, best books and movies ever.
    Cam likes this.
  19. PoBoy

    PoBoy Member Banned

    Oct 13, 2015
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    Hmmmm.... where to start... what is the intention of the forum? This thread is amusing, people talking about making the forum better by controlling membership. Funny thing is they are the same people that migrated here from the numerous other forums that have crashed and burned. The rhetoric of "we really fish" and aren't keyboard cowboy fishermen is amusing, being that they are doing exactly what they are in denial about.... hanging out on forums!!! Maybe some of you are part of the demise of the other forums...

    Kudos to Ernie for trying to make the forum useful, interactive and real!!! I don't know if that is possible or how to make it happen, but I do know that allowing a clique to control the direction of the forum will result in the members of the clique talking to themselves. If you want it to be a closed group do that... Aaron W tried that with Fish Snobs, where I was a member... How long did that last? Some of the same people are here saying the same things they said there about it being googan free... didn't help there and I doubt it will here.

    My experience is if you are not a member of the internal clique that is connected to the forum administration you are held to a different set of rules. A differing opinion or critical post is quickly edited or deleted, and the banning begins shortly after that. This is and has been the beginning of the end for many forums... There is a time and place for the admins to moderate, but many take their job WAY too seriously and the result is others just playing the game of antagonizing them, it becomes sport. A lot of the most troublesome forum members only do that, and never post anything fishing related. Don't get me wrong, the hours spent on keeping the forums running smoothly by some mods is appreciated, but the wannabe internet police amuse me!!! Give your heads a collective shake... THIS IS THE INTERNET , and for the most part it is a public place. If you are going to post pictures and stories be prepared for what comes as a result, and be prepared to defend your position without using your connection to the administration.

    I do enjoy reading the stories posted and checking out the pictures as much as anyone, but have also watched that be a source of increased pressure on the resource as a result. Many of us learned that the internet can have a major effect on the numbers of people "discovering" the latest hotspots. We are in phase two of the crappie crash... Rush Bay took a major hit from all the banter about the hot crappie bite a few years ago and the TFL gang can take credit for that. Now I see where the Whiteshell back lakes are next on the hit list, with guides now taking clients into them... How long will they last? Personally, I seen that happen in the Parkland... How many real big trout are being caught now? Not sure how this won't happen when people post about the latest hotspot. Look at the masses of people on LW as a result of social media, and now the Americans have invaded after wiping out most the good walleye fishing back home...a la Milles Lac!!! How long before LW crashes from a combination of increased pressure and water quality? Sharing info is nice, but can be harmful to the resource...

    If you guys want a closed group make it happen... If not, set the rules and enforce them consistently. Sit back, participate at a level that makes you happy and lets see what happens. Most other forums are only concerned about advertising dollars and it is nice to see Ernie on a different tack... The suggestion of purging members has been done on other forums and only sped up the demise or turned it into a smaller clique. Once again, if that is the goal make it happen.

    It would be nice to see a forum survive where you could ask some questions and get straight up answers minus the smart ass comments. Also nice to see some pictures and stories, but remember people have different opinions and they should be allowed to state them without "adults" getting their feelings hurt. I have always enjoyed the discussions on equipment (minus the "prostaff" pushing their sponsors stuff). I agree that the people that immediately start asking the dumb shit like where, how, and what need to be weeded out. Perhaps a warning first would be good...

    p.s. I know this is my first post, so save the rhetoric related to that... Ban me if that makes everyone happy!!! But please tell me what rules I have broken... Being banned from a forum hasn't changed anything in my real world of fishing!!! An active member here and on other forums has got me on a mission chasing one of my favorite species with his posts... Thx HWM (Phil)

    Brad B
    Dumpy, abousetta, clawj and 1 other person like this.
  20. Cam

    Cam Well-Known Member

    Sep 18, 2015
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    There's a positive post from brad b. I'm not going to drag old mff stuff here, but if memory serves, you were punted for some pretty condescending posts because you didn't like people's catch and release techniques.

    Have you seen anything here related to your critiques in your post? There has been maybe one or two posts deleted. Not many. There are no mods here, except for Ernie.

    Your first post, and instead of contributing a positive message, your negative and taunting Ernie to ban you. Really? Your a more than accomplished fisherman, why not contribute to the community, rather than be negative?
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