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Mar 13, 2025 at 5:38 PM
Sep 4, 2015
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Western Manitoba


Administrator, Male, from Western Manitoba

Staff Member

Ok I've set it 10 minutes now.. Aug 25, 2017

Ernie was last seen:
Mar 13, 2025 at 5:38 PM
    1. Ernie
    2. Magic13
      Are you still looking for old style airplane jigs? I have 2 brand new ones and about 20 other lake trout jigs some with hair but most not. The next time you are out this way I will give you a Xmas present if you want them. I also have the address of the manufacturer of the airplane jigs if you want it. He was in Selkirk MB.
      1. Ernie likes this.
      2. Ernie
        Yes I am interested! Thank you! I will PM you.
        Dec 12, 2015
    3. Ernie
      Those robots are the search engines indexing the site. I love em! It's a sign that the search engines like what they see here.
    4. Ernie
      And... We got snow!
    5. Ernie
    6. Ernie
      Gone fishing. Not with Harpz...
      1. Harpz likes this.
      2. Harpz
        I wish I was fishing... but instead I'm sitting in the van stealing wifi & listning to the Vikings game on the radio while waiting for my wife to finish her shopping
        Nov 8, 2015
    7. Zdiamonds
      Hey Ernie, how do I move my buy and sell post to the sold area?
      1. Ernie
        Just comment "sold" and I'll move it to the "SOLD" section.
        Nov 6, 2015
    8. Ernie
      Gone fishing. Not with Cam...
    9. Pungie
      Hey Ernie how do you send a p.m. Thanks
      1. Ernie likes this.
      2. Ernie
        Click on 'inbox' tab at the top right. The inbox is the PM on here. :)
        Oct 24, 2015
    10. LunkerHunter
      Hey "Mr Pike". Hope all is well and good to see you on the "new forum". I was wondering, is there talk of having a buy and sell section on this new forum?
      1. Ernie
        There already is! Even had a couple items sold already!
        Oct 1, 2015
        LunkerHunter likes this.
    11. Phil P. (HWM)
      Phil P. (HWM)
      good morning ernie..

      can you send me a test p.m..i am not sure if this is it..or the proper way to do it.

    12. Phil P. (HWM)
      Phil P. (HWM)
      hey ernie..its me again.i some how put a second post in the ice fishing thread that ..cam started on hand held gps..can you remove the last one i sent by mistake.

    13. Phil P. (HWM)
      Phil P. (HWM)
      Thanks bud...I am not very good with computers and to be honest they scare me. So just want to know what I am doing. .I am a old school type of guy.along with my fishing tips and secrets. .
      1. Ernie likes this.
      2. Ernie
        No problem at all bud. Practice makes perfect... :)
        Sep 30, 2015
    14. Phil P. (HWM)
      Phil P. (HWM)
      Okay. ..thanks ..I am okay with the glasses didnt know what they were for. ..thought I screwed up..

      One more thing is my little window that shows on the thread .I posted on .is that also normal? ..or did I do something wrong. ?
      1. Ernie
        Nope. You didn't screw up. That little window is your mini avatar. It means you have commented in that thread. :)
        Sep 30, 2015
    15. Green
      When I click start new thread . It shows thread title:
      But no where type the thread just to start a poll thread only
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Green
        Yup fixed it
        Sep 30, 2015
      3. Green
        Still doing it , hour later ? Don't really want to delete history every time as I have to re sign in to every website
        Sep 30, 2015
      4. Ernie
        I'll dig around a bit n see if I can find why it's doing that...
        Sep 30, 2015
    16. Phil P. (HWM)
      Phil P. (HWM)
      good morning ernie..i have somehow put those little glasses on my couple posts..and i dont know how i did it.can you remove it.and how do i add a picture to my avatar.my computer skills need work.

      thanks /mustang
      1. Ernie
        Hi Mustang, that little 'glasses' icon signifies a tread you are watching. Anytime you comment in a thread it is automatically added to your 'watched threads' list. To stop watching a thread go to the top submenu bar and click on 'watched threads'. From there you can deselect any thread you no long want to follow.
        Sep 30, 2015
      2. Ernie
        To add or change your avatar, go to the top menu bar and click on your username. Then click an 'avatar'. Easy Peasy. ;)
        Sep 30, 2015
    17. Miss Tesla
      Miss Tesla
      Been fishing lately? Good effort on the site
      1. CFF Test Member
        CFF Test Member
        Yup. Been out quite a bit. The big girlz are stating to show up. Caught a bigons.
        Sep 10, 2015
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    Western Manitoba