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Duck walks into a hardware store...

Discussion in 'Share a Joke' started by Andrew, Oct 2, 2015.

  1. Andrew

    Andrew Well-Known Member

    Sep 26, 2015
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    La Salle
    One day a duck walks into a hardware store. The duck walks up to the counter and asks the owner "Ya got any grapes?" The owner's shocked at this talking duck and says "No....sorry... no we don't..." The duck turns and leaves.

    The next day the duck walks in again! Walks up to the counter and asks the owner "Got any grapes?" The owner's still amazed, but manages to say, "No, we've never carried grapes, sorry." The duck leaves.

    The next day the duck's back again! Walks up to the owner and asks "Got any grapes?" The owner's getting ticked off now and says "Listen here - this is a hardware store! We sell tools, not food! The next time you ask me about grapes I'm gonna nail your bill shut!" The duck leaves.

    The next day the owner sees the duck walk in and right away clenches his teeth and glares at the duck. The duck walks up and asks, "Got any nails?" The owner, very surprised, answers "We're all sold out, sorry about that." The duck quacks "Got any grapes?"
    WalleyeSlayer and Ernie like this.