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Galvanized double tilting sled trailer made by Metro Trailer

Discussion in 'Buy and Sell' started by landlockedviking, Oct 11, 2018.

  1. landlockedviking

    landlockedviking Active Member

    Dec 7, 2015
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    Going to be putting my double tilting sled trailer up for sale right away (Haven't even taken pictures yet). Thought I would throw it up on here first. I put a new treated plywood deck on it last year, it also has a heavier duty axle on it (I am the second owner) guy I bought it from said it is a 3500lb axle. It also has bigger tires on it. It will come with a spare, and I have 2 sections of track on the deck to aid in loading. It does not have ski guides on it as I used it for my quad.
    It is a galvanized trailer so it will never rust! Made locally at Metro Trailer. If memory serves my correctly the deck is 8'4" wide and 10' long.
    Only reason for selling is I don't have a sled and I need a utility trailer for landscaping side jobs.
    Everything works like it should and it is in good condition. I would consider partial trade towards the right aluminum utility trailer (looking for a 6.5'x12')
    Otherwise asking price is $1300 obo.
    Will post pictures when I can.
    Patty likes this.