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Manitoba Bass Anglers - Tackle Swap/Donation - May 2, 2018

Discussion in 'Buy and Sell' started by Dumpy, May 2, 2018.

  1. Dumpy

    Dumpy Well-Known Member

    Sep 29, 2015
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    I'm a little late on the draw here but for those attending or interested in attending tonight's MBA meeting, they are hosting a tackle sale/swap/donation drive.

    Folks are welcome to bring what they have (unused tackle/fishing gear that's in good shape) for sale or trade with others who are there tonight. Please keep in mind this is a bass club meeting so bringing related items will likely help the cause in selling/trading some stuff. I only mention this because in the past people have tried to use the tackle swap as a 'bring whatever the hell you want' and try to get people to buy it event. No one is really looking to buy a lawn mower, power drills or a kitchen table at this thing.

    The club is also accepting donations of tackle/fishing gear as they provide it to various 'at-risk youth' programs throughout the city. So if you bring some stuff that you don't use any longer and/or don't sell, the club will gladly accept it and pass it on to the program directors who can take it to their kids.

    Meeting is tonight at 7:30 p.m. at the Nor Villa Hotel Restaurant. There will also be a boating safety seminar presented by Red Cross tonight.

    Sorry if this is in the wrong place Ernie, feel free to move wherever you deem appropriate.
    Kilroy, Hassett, Jneuf and 2 others like this.