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My name is Ben Fougere. Here is my story:

Discussion in 'New Member? Come Introduce Yourself. Say Hello...' started by Ben Fougere, Sep 16, 2018.

  1. Ben Fougere

    Ben Fougere Member

    Mar 22, 2018
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    My name is Ben Fougere. I am quite new to this forum and am glad to be a part of it. I would like to introduce myself and my family to this forum.

    We live in British Columbia and love fishing. There is never a day that passes where I wish I was fishing.

    We have a unique story. My family has embraced my love of fishing over the years and we are always looking forward to new adventures. A few years ago, I was searching YouTube for videos on kokanee fishing in British Columbia. There were not a lot of videos on YouTube at the time. We had just bought a 14ft Lund and my boys were at the age where they wanted to keep what they caught. I am not a huge trout fan (unless its' cooked over an open fire). So, enter our Facebook group and page. We started a Facebook group called "Kokanee Fishing BC" to try and gather information on kokanee fishing in British Columbia. We were the first Facebook group to focus on kokanee fishing in BC. There are many lakes stocked here in BC with this great tasting land locked sockeye salmon. At the time, I only wanted to get information for our family to enjoy this fishery. I was sharing our facebook group everywhere I could. I quickly learned that not everyone wants a group to be shared everywhere on the web, so I backed off. I was to the point where my group was taking up too much of my personal time at home. I was going to shut down our group. And then, just before I archived our group, people started sending me messages thanking me for having such a great group filled with clean content that is family orientated. I caught my second wind. We loved sharing our kokanee fishing trips with people. In fact, we loved it so much, we started a YouTube channel and started filming our adventures.

    Our YouTube channel is called "Fougere Family Adventures." We enjoy sharing our videos so much with other people. Sharing a quick link to a group or forum from YouTube is also quicker than waiting to upload the video each time from your computer. We called our channel something that was more open ended so I can share all our adventures, like fishing, hunting, hiking, boating, and trips to the zoo and much more. I realized that I had stumbled into something that would become a focus for our family.

    I apologize in advance if sometimes our videos come across as promotional for our channel. I assure you, they are not. We have not pushed our YouTube channel too hard. Of course, like any YouTuber, we would love to see our channel grow. We might try to promote the channel if our video quality improves, but that is not the point of sharing the videos here. We will promote our channel on YouTube amoungst other YouTubers.

    One morning, I discovered something which validated having a family YouTube channel. One day, a woke up to both of my boys watching our channel and asking to go fishing. I discovered that I created something my family could watch whenever we wanted to remember a special trip we took as a family. I had unknowingly created a video resource for my boys to remember the good times we have as a family. I encourage people to try it, you just might enjoy watching your videos anywhere you find yourself.

    You may find I share my YouTube videos in this forum. Please do not take it as a promotional post. I simply love fishing and want to share our family experiences with everyone. I hope to promote a family atmosphere with clean content and help encourage people to take their family fishing.

    I am looking forward to being a part of this forum. Facebook and Instagram have taken over my research avenues and I forgot how useful forums can be. We hope to go Pike fishing again in Alberta next summer and I'm hoping I can learn a few things or places to go from this forum.

    Thanks in advance for helping us learn.

    Ben Fougere and The Fougere Family.
    Patty, Ernie and Frank_NK28 like this.
  2. Frank_NK28

    Frank_NK28 Well-Known Member

    Feb 26, 2018
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    Welcome aboard. I personally have been enjoying your kokanee posts as I have always wanted to try fishing kokanee and I find your videos a good source to see the tackle and techniques applied.
    I spent a fair amount of time on Vancouver Island over the years visiting family and fishing and hunting there with my Grandfather who is gone now. We always fished the ocean together pursuing his favorite fish, coho salmon and of course springs when the coho weren’t around. I never had the opportunity to pursue kokanee but plan to in the very near future along with bull trout and rainbows. I did fish fresh water on the island often alone or with my sisters boyfriend and caught rainbows, cutthroat, cutbows and smallmouth bass.
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2018
    Ben Fougere likes this.
  3. Ben Fougere

    Ben Fougere Member

    Mar 22, 2018
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    Be careful Frank, you might just fall in love with kokanee fishing. It's like fishing in the ocean, but with slightly smalled fish and rolling waves. There is no sacrifice on taste either.
    Frank_NK28 likes this.
  4. clawj

    clawj Well-Known Member

    Sep 18, 2015
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