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Pre selling 2018 Pro v 1975 Sport

Discussion in 'Buy and Sell' started by Cbpro-v, Aug 18, 2018.

  1. Cbpro-v

    Cbpro-v Well-Known Member

    Mar 1, 2017
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    Pre selling private sale no tax, grey 2018 Lund Pro V 1975 Sport show boat ,boat will have walk through windshield installed ,this boat is loaded supercharged 225 Verado will have apx 60hrs at time of sale ,smart craft gauges ,new mercury stainless steel prop ,upgraded pilot chairs with armrest ,Lund Butt seat with power pedastall, walk through windsheild will be on boat ,Lowrance hds12 with total scan transducer ,OR helix 12 with side scan ,36 volt Minnkota ulterra ,5 NEW batteries ,comes with a 2 and 3 bank Lund chargers ,snap in carpet never used ,bow rock protector ,bow baitwell ,ski pilon mount ,upgraded graphics, custom trailer with brakes, sprayed on rockgaurd and upgraded mag wheels ,upgraded stereo ,Boat is available sept 2019,deposit will hold it ,lots of referances from previous sale of boat every year . $69000 on kijiji too

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