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Sled, frame and hitch for an HT Polar escape magnum shack.

Discussion in 'Buy and Sell' started by fishinfirefighter, Sep 5, 2016.

  1. fishinfirefighter

    fishinfirefighter Well-Known Member

    Sep 18, 2015
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    Winnipeg Manitoba
    For Sale
    I have a sled, frame, and tow bar for a HT Polar Escape Magnum 2 man flip over.
    Was The tent is no good it's mouse eaten and rotten.
    Sled, frame, and tow bar are all in good shape though.
    Reason for selling:
    I picked this up in the spring thinking I would order the tent from HT and get myself a nice flip over.
    However after getting it I realized I don't really have enough room to properly store it and also don't really have a way to bring it outt fishing with me since I carry my snowmobile on the back of my truck.
    $100 or would trade for a Jiffy 10inch flyte.