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The Pope, Abducted

Discussion in 'Share a Joke' started by Mike B., Aug 20, 2018.

  1. Mike B.

    Mike B. Well-Known Member

    Oct 13, 2015
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    Buddy told me this over lunch today- hope it's as funny in text.

    The Pope gets kidnapped by terrorists
    They try to force him to have sex with a woman on camera, thinking this will crush the church and it will help their cause. The Pope refuses! ...but in time realizes that they will kill him if he doesnt.

    So, the Pope gives in and agrees to have sex with a woman on camera...on THREE conditions.

    Terrorists- "Hmmm, we're listening."
    Pope- "The first condition: she must be blindfolded. She cannot know she's having sex with the Pope. Second, she must have ear plugs in. She cannot hear or learn she's having sex with the Pope."

    *long pause* and silence from the Pope**

    Terrorists- "Well...that seems fair, but what's the 3rd condition??"

    Pope- ".............big tits"