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White Wedding

Discussion in 'Share a Joke' started by Mike B., Apr 10, 2018.

  1. Mike B.

    Mike B. Well-Known Member

    Oct 13, 2015
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    -Sorry if this has been done already-

    Sarah has been married and divorced 3 times and is picking out a wedding dress with her friend Tracy, for Sarah's 4th wedding.
    Tracy notices Sarah is only trying on white dresses.
    Tracy--"Sarah, you've been married and divorced 3 times....do you think a virgin white dress is appropriate?"

    Sarah-"yes, I'm a virgin."
    Tracy- "after 3 marriages, how is that possible?"
    Sarah- "Well, my 1st husband was a psychiatrist...all he wanted to do was talk about it. My 2nd husband was a gynecologist...all he wanted to do was look at it....my 3rd husband was a stamp collector....God, I miss him!!"
    Andrew, Patty, WalleyeSlayer and 8 others like this.