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Streiffs Sporting Goods - 20% off

Discussion in 'DEALS. Share a link.' started by Jneuf, Feb 26, 2017.

  1. Jneuf

    Jneuf Well-Known Member

    Sep 20, 2015
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    Streiff's Sporting Goods is a fantastic little shop just over the border near Warroad, MN. They carry a real good selection of fishing and hunting gear at very competitive prices with the big box stores.

    I was in there today and they're running a sale that's 20% off everything in the store (sale items included) that fits into a standard size paper shopping bag. This includes reels, electronics, etc...probably can't shove an HDS 12 box in there, but they had both the Hook 4 and Hook 5 on sale...

    Anyone looking to drop the $$ on a Tranx 500 they had 4 in stock, which would drop the price of them to $400usd. Calcutta 400d's would be in the $300usd range, there were some Ci4+ in stock in both the 1000 and 2500 sizes as well, along with a pile of other reels too.

    Sale is supposed to end today, but he said f anyone from Canada called before 5:00 on Monday, feb 27th he'd take a credit card over the phone.

    Just thought I'd pass it along!
    Ernie and lake-fisher like this.